Saturday, August 9, 2014

Isaac Anglin, Revolutionary Soldier

I am interrupting my Saga on William Anglin, Civil War Soldier, to make a report on what I have just discovered about Isaac Anglin, the Revolutionary Soldier!  Isaac is William's Grandfather, and the first of our Anglin line to come to Burke/Yancey Co, NC. He was a member of the 12th Company, moving to the frontier as a defender of the "western" frontier, to make improvements on and provide protection to the pioneers and their families, including his own - onto land given in payment for fighting for the birth of our new nation.  Land, not money was paid the soldiers under Washington.  And these Virginia soldiers, who were being given a new location on the NC frontier, traveled together with their families to begin new lives as friends, comrades, and countrymen.

I just discovered a web page which identifies Isaac as a Continental Soldier, who fought at Valley Forge that rugged winter that was so cold, famous in books and paintings, where men stood by George Washington to defend freedom from England's rule.  What is given is Isaac's release from Service, after having served 3 years. 
WHAT A STORY!  Ck it out ~ Isaac's release.

Checking to verify I am making the proper connection, but am so excited to find this tidbit.  CW

One other thing I learned while researching tonight, was that the Anglin men often wrote their "i" with a loop and a very tiny dot. More often than not it looked like an e, and was very often written by others confirming a document as and e.  Thus both Anglin and Anglen will appear on the very same document in different hands. 
Always Learning! 

Much thanks to this page for the info!