Sunday, March 2, 2014

Rates in Taverns in 1796

While entering Fuller information on that page this morning, (in process) I ran across some fun information. It predates the time Ezekiel Fuller and his children were in the county, but perhaps not his wife's Ann's (Anna's) family, since she was born in Georgia in 1799.

Its interesting to me to find info like this where the courts actually found it necessary for some reason to regulate the prices for such things as alcoholic beverages, room  and board, and food for your horse. LOL

Of interest: the dates on this info predates William's family's arrival to the county, but I found it interesting:

JACKSON COUNTY, GA - COURT 1796 Rates in Taverns


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"Pattie Causey" <>

This is in the Jackson Co. court records - 1796

"Ordered that the following Rates be Lawful for any Tavern Keeper or retailer of Spiritous Liquors to sell by and shall not extort a larger sum for any single article than what is here allowed -

for Breakfast of good holesome diet......$ - 25 (cents)

first Table for Dinner of (ditto) Warm.... - 37 1/2 (cents)

? Table for Dinner of (ditto) Cold........... - 25 (cents)

for Supper of (ditto)............................... - 25

for Lodging of........................................ - 10

half pint of Jamaica or West india Rum.... - 25

half pint North East Rum........................ - 18 3/4

half pint Brandy...................................... - 18 3/4

half pint Whiskey.................................... - 12 1/2

horse feed 4 cents for each quart

of Corn or bundle of fother

feeding & Stableing a horse twenty

four hours with a plenty of

Corn and fother....................................... - 37 1/2"

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